Frequently Asked Questions
About Russian Blue Cats

Is the Russian Blue affectionate?

Yes, you'll find the Russian Blue to be a very affectionate cat, with it's family. But it may be reserved, or even shy, with strangers. While they love their families, they generally gravitate more to one "special person."

Do they shed?

Every cat sheds, however you'll find that the Russian Blue sheds very little, provided they are on a good balanced diet. You may see more shedding in spring and fall, while the cat changes seasonal coats.

Are they really hypoallergenic?

No. Read our article on that subject.

Why are they called "blue" when they are really grey?

In the animal fancies, grey is known as blue. In certain lights the Russian Blue coat will sparkle with a blue or silver blue tone.

Do they really come from Russia?

The Russian Blue really originated in Russia. Probably first seen on Russian ships sailing into England from the Port of Archangel, on the Baltic Sea. Early English breeders, who were anxious to introduce this lovely cat to the British Cat Fancy, began to import them in the 1800's. The first breeding stock came to the United States in the 1940's.

Does the Russian Blue come in any other colors?

The true Russian Blue, produced naturally by Mother Nature, only comes in one color - BLUE, as their name implies. This is the only color accepted by the Cat Fanciers Association, and the Russian Blue Fanciers. There are some individuals, in other associations, that are hybridizing the Russian Blue with other breeds to produce a variety of colors and coat lengths.

Are they good with children?

Russian Blues have a very intuitive nature that seems to make them aware that a well-mannered child has no intention of hurting them. Consequently, they seem to be more tolerant of the rougher handling of small children. When they've had enough, they'll leave and hide. However, it's imperative that children be taught to handle any cat with respect and gentleness.

How are they with other animals? Other cats and dogs in particular?

Many Russian Blue breeders also have other companion animals, particularly dogs. Cat's don't have color, breed or physical prejudices. They react based on their experience and the body language of other pets. How well they get along is dependant on the introduction process supervised by their humans.

How many kittens are do they have in a litter?
Two to four kittens is probably about average, although a queen may have as few as one and as many as six.

Is a male or female preferable? Who has the better temperament?

Since most Russian Blues are sold as neutered pets, sex should have no bearing on a pet owners selection. They are both loving, gentle companions. The kitten with the most appealing personality is the one that should be chosen. However, if you think you want to show and breed, you'll want to discuss, with the breeder, the behavioral differences apparent in either sex of unaltered cat.

How long does a Russian Blue live?

The Russian Blue, as any pedigreed cat, has an average life span of 10-15 years. Like humans, some will have shorter or longer lives than the average.

Are they a healthy breed?

You'll find the the Russian Blue is generally a very hardy cat, with no inherent genetic problems & not prone to illness.

How smart are they?

As a pet, you can't ask for a better companion, or one who'll entertain you more by learning tricks, or figuring things out. Little gets by the Russian. Most breeders will tell you, "we like to breed for dumb," because the smarter the Russian Blue, the harder it is to show them. Some figure out, very quickly, what to do to discourage a judge from handling them, and then proceed to be the most loving companion once their owner removes them from the judging ring.